who we are

Minds Without B0rders is a youth-led, global organization that aims to make mental health more accessible. Through our digital platform, grassroots organizing, and community-based advocacy, we strive to ensure that everyone has mental health support and access and more importantly destigmatize mental health.

our story

Dear Minds Without B0rders,
Let’s rewind to the summer of 2019. 

Visiting family in India, I was shocked to hear from my cousin about a suicide case in his local college. The idea that shocked me was how stigmatized it was to talk about why it happened and the battles of mental health. 
 I soon learned that this was a universal challenge. Mental health is stigmatized in most communites which essentially creates barriers for many people to get access. ​

Fast forward to April of 2020.
​The pandemic arose and more and more people were expressing issues surrounding mental health: especially the youth. From college campuses to high schools, more and more people in the U.S. talked about mental health struggles. I saw that there was no proper outlet for young people to express their mental health struggles or find appropriate help. 
 And so I turned to writing. I began publishing blogs called “Minds Without B0rders” in the hopes that my words might spread some sort of awareness. I wrote blogs, interviewed real people with struggles, chatted with mental health professionals, and most importantly found a passion for making a change. 
 To my surprise, people began noticing Minds Without B0rders and asked to join the cause. I was ecstatic. We soon blossomed into something greater than I could have ever imagined: we expanded beyond a blog written by a freshman girl, creating a global network of chapters, a podcast, countless viral digital campaigns, and impactful legislation, among other impactful initiates.
Today, we stand as a global organization with over 2500 members, 24 U.S State chapters , 18 countries, and 5k social media followers — but more importantly, a safe haven where mental health can be talked about without borders
This community has changed my life. It has made me feel more confident and empowered in speaking about issues that are polarized and being proud of issues I am passionate about. I can only hope that Minds Without B0rders can touch you the same way it did me. I’m honored to share this space with you. 
With love,
Anjani Sharma , Founder and Exeuctive Director


Please use the link below to donate directly to Minds Without B0rders, a 501c3 organization

Where are we?